
unter Mitarbeit von

Natalia Bolatti-Guzzo

Andrea Intilia, Alvise Matessi & Marco De Pietri


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  • = Kloekhorst A., The morphophonological analysis of Hittite šipantaš, šipandaš ‘(s)he libated’, in: HAR 1/2 99-104. [[DOI: https://doi.org/10.52093/hara-202002-00007- 000] Abstract: "This article starts with the observation that the Hittite 3sg.pret.act. form šipantaš, šipandaš (OH/MS) ‘(s)he libated’ can hardly be analysed as consisting of a tarna-class inflected stem šipant/da- + the 3sg.pret.act. ending , since the OH/MH verbal paradigm of ‘to libate’ contains no other tarna-class inflected forms. It is therefore argued that šipantaš, šipandaš should be analysed as consisting of the consonantal verbal stem šipant- + [...]"]

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